• Mar 30 Wed 2011 20:17
  • 面對







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  • Mar 27 Sun 2011 23:01












chiBlume02 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

愛多麼珍貴 才讓人陶醉
多年後往往才發覺 才了解
愛應該很美 愛不該頹廢
也許我們都要感謝 愛過誰


跟自已聊天 成了種習慣
吃一頓晚餐 配一份孤單
有一些曖昧 疲累也無味
那感情放又收輪迴 該終結

不是非要有人陪 不小心相信那個誰
最怕說單身無畏 是怕被傷害的膽怯 才讓人一直受罪

只是想要有人陪 再瘋狂還能有幾回
寧缺勿濫無所謂 讓寂寞投降能有誰

愛多麼珍貴 才讓人陶醉
多年後往往才發覺 才了解

不是非要有人陪 不小心相信那個誰
無心陪伴的傀儡 也不需要陪在身邊 多讓人心酸一遍

只是想要有人陪 說起來有一點可悲
畢竟對的就去追 讓未來生活多個誰

愛應該很美 愛不該頹廢
也許我們都要感謝 愛過誰



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It's already March, a quarter of a year has been passing by, and I've run my school days about 2 weeks. Nothing particular can share.

Finallly I made up my mind to take 22(out of 25) credits for this semester because I want more personal time to study on my own, and breath. Sometimes I'd rather read and study by myself and discuss more with my classmates than just sit down in a class room, listening to teachers. I need more time to think over theories, chewing the essential of them.(gosh, there're too many interpretations for each law subject)

I like to absorb numerous kinds of information and knowledge from newspaper and websites articles; however recently I found that I just read as much as I can, many input, but less output. I do run them through my head, and of course something does trigger my inspiration, but I didn't speak(write) them out so it's kind of like I haven't learned something, eh?(no wonder sometimes I feel I'm going rotten...)  I am nothing but an ordinary observer.=(  So, I'll try my best to give feedback to something meaningful I've seen/ read.

Schedule, schedule.....It's going to be a tough and tight month. Jia you!


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This is amazing.

French is so beautiful.


chiBlume02 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Cause the only real pain a heart can ever know
Is the sorrow of regret
When you don't let your feelings show



If you love somebody
You better let it out
Don't hold it back
While you're trying to figure it out
Don't be timid
Don't be afraid to hurt
Run toward the flame
Run toward the fire
Hold on for all your worth
Cause the only real pain a heart can ever know
Is the sorrow of regret
When you don't let your feelings show

So did you say it
Did you mean it
Did you lay it on the line
Did you make it count
Did you look 'em in the eye
Did they feel it
Did you say it in time
Did you say it out loud
'cause if you did hun
Then you lived some
That feeling inside
That's called satisfied

Busy people walking by
Can't help but worry some
With so many things to do
So little love gets done
Empty hearts everywhere
Drowning but dying of thirst
If you want love
It's not that tough
Start by giving it first
It's so easy to give
Baby can't you see
Just close your eyes open your heart
And do what comes naturally

Well did you say it
Did you mean it
Did you lay it on the line
Did you make it count
Did you look 'em in the eye
Did they feel it
Did you say it in time
Did you say it out loud
'cause if you did hun
Then you lived some
That feeling inside
That's called satisfied

Horses are built to run
The sun is meant to shine above
Flowers are made to bloom
And then there's us
We were born to love

[Repeat Chorus] 


chiBlume02 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Feb 21 Mon 2011 23:15
  • 開學

originally uploaded by: FarTripper









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chiBlume02 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




主持人開場介紹時突然說出"共同的信仰"5個字,讓我直接聯想該不會又是基督教吧,此時我腦袋裡已經浮現以前參加過團契的畫面- -',

我沒有排斥或偏好任何宗教,只是以前剛好參加過教會的活動,而我心中的感覺是: 天阿! 大家好樂觀開朗喔! & 一切榮耀歸主!  (這是題外話)

今天說明會的內容,大概示範了這個club的進行方式,很佩服英文即使說的不是很標準、流利的人,還能夠勇敢的站在台上,不看講稿,搭配事先準備好的PPT,用誇張的(是真的)肢體語言來演說,真的是開了眼界。想想我上一次公開在大家面前演講在什麼時候了?  大概3、4年前了(@@我老了..)。




chiBlume02 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"Life is not all beer and skittles."

As Trilby says in the book by George Du Maurier that bears her name: ' Well, I've got to go back to work. Life ain't all beer and skittles, and more's the pity; but what's the odds, so long as you're happy? '

Life is not all fun and games. We have our pleasant times, but we have our serious ones, too.

However, nobody can (or has a right to) make me unhappy, only me, myself. It's a matter of self minded and what I choose. There's a quote said " I choose to be happy and choose not to let other people affect my mood. " It needs practice time after time though.

When people have a quarrel, usually they make noisy sound or yell at each other as if they are afraid other people won't realize they are quarreling, and it becomes louder and violent. Moreover, I often see some of them cried out loud.  Those who cried first may be the loser-to-be(in my observation). Don't cry...!

In this case, I prefer to speak out what stucks in my mind rather than to be silent. Of course it should be in a gentle way.

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