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【Girls Generation】

It’s over, guess it’s over

One mistake, got a one regret

I need a time machine oh
I need a time machine oh


Just one mistake, just one regret

I need a time machine


Yeah 2人の想い出忘れてしまう前に…
Gimme a time machine oh
Gimme a time machine oh
Gimme a time machine


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愛多麼珍貴 才讓人陶醉
多年後往往才發覺 才了解
愛應該很美 愛不該頹廢
也許我們都要感謝 愛過誰


跟自已聊天 成了種習慣
吃一頓晚餐 配一份孤單
有一些曖昧 疲累也無味
那感情放又收輪迴 該終結

不是非要有人陪 不小心相信那個誰
最怕說單身無畏 是怕被傷害的膽怯 才讓人一直受罪

只是想要有人陪 再瘋狂還能有幾回
寧缺勿濫無所謂 讓寂寞投降能有誰

愛多麼珍貴 才讓人陶醉
多年後往往才發覺 才了解

不是非要有人陪 不小心相信那個誰
無心陪伴的傀儡 也不需要陪在身邊 多讓人心酸一遍

只是想要有人陪 說起來有一點可悲
畢竟對的就去追 讓未來生活多個誰

愛應該很美 愛不該頹廢
也許我們都要感謝 愛過誰



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This is amazing.

French is so beautiful.


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Cause the only real pain a heart can ever know
Is the sorrow of regret
When you don't let your feelings show



If you love somebody
You better let it out
Don't hold it back
While you're trying to figure it out
Don't be timid
Don't be afraid to hurt
Run toward the flame
Run toward the fire
Hold on for all your worth
Cause the only real pain a heart can ever know
Is the sorrow of regret
When you don't let your feelings show

So did you say it
Did you mean it
Did you lay it on the line
Did you make it count
Did you look 'em in the eye
Did they feel it
Did you say it in time
Did you say it out loud
'cause if you did hun
Then you lived some
That feeling inside
That's called satisfied

Busy people walking by
Can't help but worry some
With so many things to do
So little love gets done
Empty hearts everywhere
Drowning but dying of thirst
If you want love
It's not that tough
Start by giving it first
It's so easy to give
Baby can't you see
Just close your eyes open your heart
And do what comes naturally

Well did you say it
Did you mean it
Did you lay it on the line
Did you make it count
Did you look 'em in the eye
Did they feel it
Did you say it in time
Did you say it out loud
'cause if you did hun
Then you lived some
That feeling inside
That's called satisfied

Horses are built to run
The sun is meant to shine above
Flowers are made to bloom
And then there's us
We were born to love

[Repeat Chorus] 


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Artist: Christian Bautista with Sarah Geronimo

If you love me like you tell me
Please be careful with my heart
You can take it just don’t break it
Or my world will fall apart

You are my first romance
And I’m willing to take a chance
That ’till life is through
I’ll still be loving you

I will be true to you
Just a promise from you will do
From the very start
Please be careful with my heart

Verse II:
I love you and you know I do
There’ll be no one else for me
Promise I’ll be always true
For the world and all to see

Love has heard some lies softly spoken
And I have had my heart badly broken
I’ve been burned and I’ve been hurt before

Verse III:
So I know just how you feel
Trust my love is real for you
I’ll be gentle with your heart
I’ll caress it like the morning dew

I’ll be right beside you forever
I won’t let our world fall apart
From the very start
I’ll be careful with your heart

Chorus II:
You are my first (and you are my last) romance
And I’m willing to take a chance
(I’ve learned from the past)
That ’till life is through
I’ll still be loving you

I will be true (I will be true) to you
Just a promise from you will do (only to you)
From the very start (from the very start)
From the very start (from the very start)
From the very start
Please be careful with (I’ll be careful with) my heart (your heart)



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나비(Naby) - IF

그대는 모러죠 내가 왜 웃어도 우는지
알아도 그댄 모러죠 언제나 딴곳만 보니까
알것같아 불러도 바람 인 듯 듣네요

My heart I need you I love you I can't say goodbye
내 허락없이 매일 그댄내게 숨어서 들어와
I need you I love you 멈출 수 없죠
새벽바다 파도가 멈춰지는 그날
나도 멈춰질까 you know

언제나 혼자죠 마치 다녀온 밤처럼
우연히 스친 눈길에 행복한 순간이 지나면
소란 스런 내마음도 쓸쓸하게 잠들죠
My heart I need you I love you I can't say goodbye
내 그리움 은 매일 하루많큼 그대 에게로 가
I need you I love you 변할 수 없죠
내 눈속에 눈물이 색이 바꿔지면
내마음 편해질까 이밤 나…나…이밤



你大概不明白吧 為何我笑著也流淚
知道了也不明白吧 為何我總凝視著他方
像是明白了的呼喚著 微風中就聽到了
沒有得到我的允許 你就每天走進入我的呼吸中

I need you I love you 沒法停下來吧
走向凌晨的海旁 停下來的那天
我總是獨個兒吧 就像來去的夜一樣
我的掛念 每天早晚的向你走去
I need you I love you 沒法改變吧
我的心會改變嗎 這晚


去年(前年?)開始喜歡上的韓樂,一開始是先聽到狎鷗亭系的音樂,感覺整個很對味口!就是這一首>>「W & Whale」 的 R.P.G. Shine!!


還有不得不推的狎鷗亭系流行音樂教主「Clazziquai Project」,百聽不厭!邊做運動邊聽很OK的(最近有上健身房..)。 




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Name: Seribu Bintang

Music Arrangement: Bongky BIP

Song and Lyric: Riani Sovana

Nation: Indonesia

*A song about long-distance relationship.

*50% of the composer's profit sharing in SERIBU BINTANG Ring Back Tone will be donated to the education development program, cooperate with Lembaga Pendidikan Insani Dompet Dhuafa.







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If you wanna go,
Baby, let's go
If you wanna rock,
I'm ready to roll
And if you wanna slow down,
We can slow down together



I'm laying here dreaming, staring at the ceiling,
Wasting the day away
The world's flying by our window outside
But hey baby that's okay
This feels so right, it can't be wrong so far as I can see
Where you wanna go
Baby, I'll do anything

'Cause if you wanna go
Baby, let's go
If you wanna rock,
I'm ready to roll
And if you wanna slow down,
We can slow down together
If you wanna walk,
Baby, let's walk
Have a little kiss,
Have a little talk
We don't gotta leave at all
We can lay here forever
Stay here forever, oh

If you want to see that Italian tower leaning
Baby, we can leave right now
If that's too far, we can jump in the car
And take a little trip around town
They say that California is nice and warm this time of year
Baby, say the word and we'll just disappear

'Cause if you wanna go
Baby, let's go
If you wanna rock,
I'm ready to roll
And if you wanna slow down,
We can slow down together
If you wanna walk,
Baby, let's walk
Have a little kiss,
Have a little talk
We don't gotta leave at all
We can lay here forever
Stay here forever, oh

It's a big world for a boy and a girl
Letting go of it all
Holding on to one another
Or there's a whole another world to discover under the covers

'Cause if you wanna go
Baby, let's go
If you wanna rock,
I'm ready to roll
And if you wanna slow down,
We can slow down together
If you wanna walk,
Baby, let's walk
Have a little kiss,
Have a little talk
We don't gotta leave at all
We can stay here forever
Lay here forever, oh
Let's stay here forever, oh
Stay here forever, oh


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團名:Drive (流行搖滾樂團)




恩 被感動到了...

senja kini berganti malam
menutup hari yg lelah
dimanakah engkau berada
aku tak tahu dimana

pernah kita lalui semua
jerit, tangis, canda, tawa
kini hanya untaian kata
hanya itulah yg aku punya

tidurlah selamat malam
lupakan sajalah aku
mimpilah dalam tidurmu
bersama bintang

sesungguhnya aku tak bisa
jalani waktu tanpamu
perpisahan bukanlah duka
meski harus menyisakan luka

repeat reff





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我的青春 也不是沒傷痕 是明白愛是信仰的延伸
什麼特徵 人緣還是眼神 也不會預支愛不愛的可能
保持單身 忍不住又沉淪 兜著圈子來去有時苦等
人的一生 感情是旋轉門 轉到了最後真心的就不分

有過競爭 有過犧牲 被愛篩選過程
學會認真 學會忠誠 適者才能生存
懂得永恆 得要我們 進化成更好的人

我的青春 有時還蠻單純 相信幸福取決於愛的深
讀進化論 我讚成達爾文 沒實力的就有淘汰的可能
我的替身 已換過多少輪 記憶在舊情人心中變冷
我的一生 有幾道旋轉門 轉到了最後只剩你我沒分




wake up, 收心 操 預備



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