目前分類:For my little part time (3)

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The event happend after Fanapi typhoon holiday. My university was seriously damaged by this powerful typhoon in some areas in the campus so the authority concerned declared classes suspending for a week but administrative staffs have to work though. After holidays, I went back to my rent dorm near my university on the Sunday evening, and I checked the whole surroundings if anything needs to be fixed soon, well, anyway, the power of electricity and water were still problems then, but luckily, it's all okay now:)

And on the Tuesday, I was back to my part-time job at the Secretariat. For the part-time, I have to browse 9 newspapers, 4 major and 5 minor ones in Taiwan, and meanwhile I have to pick out(of course the administrative staff will give me a hand) some worth reading articles like news mentions my university, National University of Kaohsiung, and also other educational news and some popularly current affairs news. Next, I will do newspaper clipping and assemble all the clips together to a booklet and the last step is delivering the well-chose news clips booklet to the vice president's office on weekends. I work every Tue. and Fri. morning.

On that Tue, I stepped in the office with a brilliant smile (: and saying good morning to all officers as usual,

And one of them just said: Morning, girl! Why didn't you come to work last week(20-24th Sep)?? (I was thinking what I should  reply on it ...)

He kept saying: although it's during typhoon holidays, there still had a lot of work to do, or at least you should give a phone call to notice us that you can't come here to work and make a leave!

...O.O...I was startled and immediately I apologized and felt sorry and embarrassed, too )=, but I was thinking: How can I come back to work? How can I go back to the disaster area - since traffic systems were "bad" during the last week? Moreover, class-es were suspending so logically, students did not have to go to school, especially those who are disaster victims. But I only keep my thought in mind, didn't utter them out...maybe I was too nervous to say something and just doing the work with a...(donna how to describe the feeling) and I felt upset>.<...

However, after that Tueseday's work, I think I was wrong with something. First, I should speak out my opinions bravely or nothing will come to me myself; it seems like taking risks because I don't know if I am right / wrong, but I think in any situation I have a right to express my opinions, I have to give it a try or I won't gain anything and if I am wrong, it's okay, at least I learn an experience and I can improve myself in the future. And the other thing is - I should not take everything for granted. Sometimes I just do things along with my intuition and it's another risks! Like this time, I should have given a phone call to make a sure if I had to work during class suspending time firstly.(yes, it's my fault>.<) Again, don't take everything for granted and be grateful for every thing happens to us.

That's a bit about something occurred to me at the beginning of this semester, hehe seems Fanapi did disturb me. As a junior, my study is tough now; Hope things go well.




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所以呢~我會記錄一下這些我在勞心賣身的的日子~阿不是! 是勞心勞力的趣聞軼事啦!

恩 就是這樣。




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