It's already March, a quarter of a year has been passing by, and I've run my school days about 2 weeks. Nothing particular can share.

Finallly I made up my mind to take 22(out of 25) credits for this semester because I want more personal time to study on my own, and breath. Sometimes I'd rather read and study by myself and discuss more with my classmates than just sit down in a class room, listening to teachers. I need more time to think over theories, chewing the essential of them.(gosh, there're too many interpretations for each law subject)

I like to absorb numerous kinds of information and knowledge from newspaper and websites articles; however recently I found that I just read as much as I can, many input, but less output. I do run them through my head, and of course something does trigger my inspiration, but I didn't speak(write) them out so it's kind of like I haven't learned something, eh?(no wonder sometimes I feel I'm going rotten...)  I am nothing but an ordinary observer.=(  So, I'll try my best to give feedback to something meaningful I've seen/ read.

Schedule, schedule.....It's going to be a tough and tight month. Jia you!



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