As usual, I take courses and, well, I take 25 credits(maximum) this semester and need to study tightly. My friend say I look busy everyday and seem I often late back to my dorm, but nope, I just follow my schedule and maybe because my major courses are arranged in evening so you are mistaken^^" I am good and hopefully get on track:)

One thing I'd like to confess is I am temperamental recently. For example, last Monday, in a class we watched a documentary film describing the dolphin conservation and exposing Japan's dolphin hunting massacre(it's almost a crime!)and it is an ironic one. And when I watched the film, I felt so complicated, and as soon as the authour, now is a caretaker of marine life(he was once a dolphin trainer) said that a dolphin "committed suicide" by herself(dolphins breathe with lungs just like human beings do)in his arms(I'm not going to explain how that tragedy went), I just cannot help but keep weeping quietly until my teacher paused the film.

Another example, yesterday I invited 2 of my friends to have dinner together, but I misunderstood something(it's sometimes awkward to deliver messages with MSN or any other messengers because people probably lost or shorten some words for convenience!)and I thought I was edged out...O.O and I did NOT feel good AT ALL, and my eyes were brimming with tears then. But later, we had dinner together, haha, it's completely a misunderstanding>.< I looove my friends, thank you guys.  I just can't resist attacks from loneliness, and recently the feeling is getting hard, is it because of the cool weather or autumn is coming?

However, I promise I won't show "not good" expressions easily in front of you because it's impolite and people might not get the point why I am this moody(that's why I weep quietly), and instead I try to hide/ control my emotion and try to wear a smile on my face(: and maybe I am too lazy to explain my emotion unless you're one of my best friends then I'll tell you details..-.-

And I think the proverb "計畫趕不上變化" is absolutely right! People, at least I do, try as hard as possible to follow the plan/ schedule but anything could just occur in a sudden. I do hope everything can come to a happy ending. Wish you can have good luck on study, job, family and love.

Hey, today is Double Tenth Day, Taiwan National Day. HAPPY B-Day, Taiwan(:





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