Yep, it's been a while I haven't made a dispatch untill now. and so many things happened these days, odds and ends and some important matters.

    23th Oct. is my 20th birthday, and also A-fang's :). We good friends went to a restaurant, "New House," for celebration and I genuinely felt so happy and touched; thank you J., Phone, 亭, 儒兒, Chicago, 失控, 阿B, 大師兄, dear 姵妞學姊, and ppl congratulating me on my 20 yrs old birthday :)).

    Thanks Mom and Dad, without you I won't be what I am today, and thanks Doris and Tony, you're sweet :). Whoa ! I Am Twenty ! Not A Little Girl Anymore and I'm a bit fear for being 20...

    Anyway, THANK All of YOU for taking care of me till now and also in the future, we fight together :)!




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