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If you are right then there is no need to get angry
And if you are wrong then you don’t have any right to get angry.

Patience with family is love,
Patience with others is respect,
Patience with self is confidence and
Patience with GOD is faith.

Never Think Hard about PAST, It brings Tears…
Don’t Think more about FUTURE, It brings Fears…
Live this Moment with a Smile, It brings Cheers!

Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,
Every problem comes to make us or break us,
Choice is ours whether we become victim or victorious!!!

Search a beautiful heart not a beautiful face.
Beautiful things are not always good
but good things are always beautiful

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“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”
― Earl Nightingale

" 不要只因為夢想需要時間去完成就輕易地放棄!時間總會過去的!"~厄爾‧南丁格爾 (1921-1989)

(美國著名的勵志演說家及作者,也是前知名的廣播電台主持人,被譽為 “Dean of Personal Development” (個人成長系主任)。


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"Life is not all beer and skittles."

As Trilby says in the book by George Du Maurier that bears her name: ' Well, I've got to go back to work. Life ain't all beer and skittles, and more's the pity; but what's the odds, so long as you're happy? '

Life is not all fun and games. We have our pleasant times, but we have our serious ones, too.

However, nobody can (or has a right to) make me unhappy, only me, myself. It's a matter of self minded and what I choose. There's a quote said " I choose to be happy and choose not to let other people affect my mood. " It needs practice time after time though.

When people have a quarrel, usually they make noisy sound or yell at each other as if they are afraid other people won't realize they are quarreling, and it becomes louder and violent. Moreover, I often see some of them cried out loud.  Those who cried first may be the loser-to-be(in my observation). Don't cry...!

In this case, I prefer to speak out what stucks in my mind rather than to be silent. Of course it should be in a gentle way.

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The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.___Franklin D. Roosevelt

Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.___John F. Kennedy

You campaigns in poetry, but you govern in prose.___Hillary Clinton



The former 2 quotes play a word game and it's interesting.^^

I am not pretty sure if I read the 3 quotes from the introduction of a book named "Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA" , this genre really attracts me and I'm going to read it next month, maybe.




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Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money;

it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.

(Franklin Roosevelt, American President)



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