目前分類:Letters for you (8)

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originally uploaded by The Brucer


So far, I felt love is such more painful than joyful a thing

and I don't know what to do with this embarrassing condition.

I feel quite helpless.

Hardly could we communicate.

I've been swamped with blue mood and tears, a lot of tears,

didn't you realize that?

Fine, I guess you didn't, and never will you.


...Do I request too much? Am I over childish? (No!! I don't think so!!)


I, or we, just need some time to sort out something.


Love is painful so I prove that I exist.

(08 Nov.)



*Note: I have to remind everyone again: in this group"Letters for you" - it's all about my personal creations/creative works, and they might not be my real experiences - maybe I get inspiratoins from any kinds of events I read in news/books, etc. So just enjoy them as poems or short stories. tQ for your dropping by. :)




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originally uploaded by mohammadali




我不懂,為什麼一聲謝謝、對不起、我愛妳/你 會這麼難說出口?... 











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註定要suffer more


太傷了  假設在漫長等待中











chiBlume02 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I should have been satisfied with current situation.

I should have been patient enough and calm.

I should have known it's one kind of happiness that everything goes in a simple way now

And I trust you till the end.

I wish I will, too.

Sorry for complaint and I just miss you a lot so I couldn't restrain my emotion.


I don't know if the mail makes you confused or frustrated, however

I wanna say " Babi, I'm sorry. Could you plz forgive me? "

When I find that I'm going to lose you,

I feel strongly I can't and I don't want to be apart from you.

And now I realize all above is a mission for me to be more perfect and sweet.


I'm waiting for your reply... 



Yours, F




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When can I hug you?

The one I really want.

I gotta find a lot of fitting reasons about love between you and me.



How are you?

Maybe there is too much maybe, which causes me feel confused and tired.

But now, I still love you,

And I love you more and more.


Truly, F


*In this group "Letters for you" - it's all about my personal creations/creative works, and they might not be my real experiences - maybe I get inspiratoins from any kinds of events I read in news/books, etc. So just enjoy them as poems or short stories. tQ for your dropping by. :)*

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